Laura McCann

Anat Baniel Method® Neuromovement® Practitioner


Hello, I am so glad you have found my website. I am a certified Anat Baniel Method® Neuromovement® Practitioner® and have completed all of Anat’s mastery programs which include Children with Special Needs, Anti-Aging, and High Performers.

Having a son with a severe brain injury led me to this unique and highly beneficial method. Because of my life experiences my hope is to bring compassion and understanding into my work.

Based on the principles of brain plasticity (the brains ability to change and grow new neurons) I create an individualized program through gentle touch and guided movement.

I continue to be active sports and as a 3rd degree blackbelt I volunteer as a martial arts instructor as well  as continuing my life long love for softball. My interests in sports has also brought me to utilize ABM for my own development including back pain relief, better balance, strength, and flexibility.

Changing lives one movement at a time has become her life passion.


                                      I look forward to working with you!