A child with a healthy nervous system advances through their own experiences, movement being paramount for the transformation that takes place in such a short time period. Healthy infants begin experiencing life in the womb. Just watch a belly of a very pregnant mother and watch all the activity that takes place! Life and living has begun and those movements are not random as you might think. Each seemingly random movement of an infant’s hands or feet is incredibly important for the growth of the nervous system. The brain grows at enormous speed when given the information it needs. The brain’s ability to grow new neurons throughout life is called neuroplasticity. Movement is what provides the brain the information it needs for future rolling, sitting, standing, thinking and emotional growth. By harnessing the Nine Essentials of brain change, all children can become potent learners. Children who are born with or who have had an injury to their brain, lack the same experiences as neurotypical children thus they progress much slower. Each child is different. Each child learns differently. Every child has the potential to improve. When a child comes into my office I observe how they move, how they problem solve, what they like and how they interact with the world around them. I begin to connect with them by using gentle touch and movement to speak to their brain. This gentle approach creates a pleasant experience for the child. Helping the child to feel more of themselves they too can progress, often in miraculous ways!