The Nine Essentials and Brain Change


The Anat Baniel Method (R) Neuromovement (R) is structured around the Nine Essentials.  Anat has identified these essentials and their unique importance in helping the brain do its job better. When utilizing these elements the brain creates new pathways helping individuals to overcome limitations, free them from pain and become better learners.


Essential 1 – Attention

Have you ever watched a baby when they discover there hands for the first time? They pay very close attention to what they are doing and feeling as they begin the process of learning how to move. Without paying attention to themselves they would never learn to roll, sit or crawl. It takes movement with attention to form new neurons in the brain. The brain organizes all movement including, physical, emotional, thoughts and feelings. When moving without attention we only groove in old patterns.

“When we bring attention to what we feel as we move, the brain immediately starts building billions of new neurological connections that usher in changes, learning, and transformation.”          Anat Baniel 


Essential 2 – Slow


Ever feel rushed for time? Of course you have, we all have! Have you noticed that the more you hurry the more mistakes you tend to make? Forgetting important details that you have to go back and fix? Slowing down and paying attention to what is at task will actually get you there quicker. So, next time you find yourself frustrated for lack of time try slowing down and see what happens.

“Slow gets us out of the automatic mode in our movements, speech, thoughts, and social interactions. Slow lets us feel and experience life at a deeper, more profound level.” Anat Baniel


Essential 3 – Variation

By adding new things into your daily routine you create an environment for your brain to wake up! Try learning something new and increase your vitality!

” Variation provides your brain with the richness of information it needs to create new possibilities in your movements, feelings, thoughts, and actions. It helps increase your awareness and lifts you out of rigidity and “stuckness.”      Anat Baniel


Essential 4 – Subtlety

Reduce the force, work smarter not harder. Your brain needs to perceive differences to learn something new. By slowing down and reducing the force when we move and think we increase our sensitivity. This creates greater possibilities for us to notice the smallest of differences.  Our brain then receives the information it needs to organize movement and thought in a more productive manner. 

So the next time you want to learn something new reduce the force. Work smarter not harder. 

“We have all heard the expressions “no pain, no gain” and “try harder.” However, in order to overcome pain and limitation and thrive, the brain needs the exact opposite—less force. For the brain to receive new information, it needs to perceive differences.”          Anat Baniel


Essential 5 – Enthusiasm

Have you ever notice the enthusiasm of a young child learning something new? Their eyes sparkle their face lights up and they smile and jump up down with joy! Hard to forget that new thing they learned when they get that enthused. Enthusiasm doesn’t mean we have to jump up and down like a child but when we silently acknowledge the new thing and take notice with gratification at even the smallest of things our brain take notice and uses the information. So, delight in the small changes they add up to big ones. 

“Enthusiasm lights up your brain, helping to usher in changes, transforming the most mundane situation or task, adding meaning and generating delight. Enthusiasm helps make the impossible possible.”
Anat Baniel


Essential 6 – Flexible Goals

There are many ways to do one thing and many paths to get from here to there. If you are too rigid and in a hurry to reach your destination you miss many opportunities along the way. Try to be open minded and fight the urge to reach your goals a certain way or time frame. You may be surprised by what you discover.

“There is no way to know in advance the path that will lead you to achieving your goal. Know your goal and embrace all the unexpected steps, mis-steps, and re-routes. They are a rich source of valuable information for your brain to lead you to your goal. Flexible goals will reduce your anxiety and increase your creativity, resulting in greater success, vitality, and joy.”                Anat Baniel


Essential 7 – The Learning Switch

The learning switch is not a toggle that you can manipulate physically but a metaphor for when you are learning at a heightened level. This is when you get those “ah ha” moments and that twinge of excitement about what you are learning. When you are engaged in a new and interesting task your brain is receiving lots of information and utilizing what it is learning.

For the brain to properly do its job, the learning switch needs to be on. Once on, at any age, life becomes a wonderful new adventure, filled with movement, creativity, and new possibilities.”
Anat Baniel


Essential 8 – Imagination & Dreams

The imagination is an extraordinary tool that when infused with awareness and focus creates better performance and abilities. Athletes use this practice often to learn quicker and perform at higher levels.

“Einstein said: “Imagination is everything. It is the preview to life’s coming attractions.” Through imagination your brain figures out new possibilities before actually having to perform. When imagining, the brain grows new neural connections.”       Anat Baniel


Essential 9 – Awareness

Have you ever driven your car somewhere and when you reached your destination you realized that you didnt remember how you got there?  This is a an example of being on automatic pilot! Not being present to self or others is a way to get through life but a better way is to practice awareness.  Becoming aware on purpose is an action that makes you aware of your thoughts your actions and those around you. Try to be more aware and see what amazing things you discover. 

When you are aware, you are fully alive and present. Your brain is working at its highest level, noticing subtle nuances of what is going on around and within you, revealing options and potentials, greatly accelerating learning. You are enlivened and joyful, contributing to others, becoming more enlightened, and fulfilling more and more of your human destiny.”         Anat Baniel



*Quotations taken from Anat Baniels website